New Stretch Goals + Art Update!

THANK YOU all our awesome backers for all your support! We have some exciting new stretch goals we are announcing today, which includes an awesome Rex 232 magnet illustrated by Ghosthause!

All book backers will get this magnet if we hit $250,000 on this campaign before we close down in-demand, which will be happening shortly.

All stretch goals take into account the backing we have received on our website at 9 Lives Comics as well, so we are well on our way to $230k now!

We have also been diligently working on pages, and here is one of Lil’ T schemin’ and plottin’ as he looks at a hologram of Arc-City.

A quick reminder that the fanart contest ends on the 28th of February, and winners will be announced at a later date, so be sure to submit your entry soon if you haven’t. Just post the image on Twitter with the hashtag #ingloriousrex and tag us both @shanedavisart and @linyanzi.

Finally, the first 30 days of the campaign on our website at 9 Lives Comics is about to come to an end on Sunday, so be sure to check it out and don’t miss out on the Site Exclusive Cover and lenticular card pack!

We will be posting more updates real soon!